Laurent Zufferey appointed as new Principal Conductor and Artistic Co-Director of Valéik

Laurent has been appointed as new Artistic Co-Director of Valéik and Musical Director of their new chamber orchestra: Philharmonik. Thierry Stalder, president of the Trustees of the ensemble based in Sion (CH), commented:
”The appointment of Mr. Zufferey marks a turning point in the development of the structure. Through his experience as a conductor, especially in England and Switzerland, his mission will be to bring the ensemble to new horizons, both in terms of size and in terms of repertoire.

For their first season together, “Roots”, Laurent and Valéik will share the stage for a concert entitled Sérénades which will explore the eponymous works of Elgar, Wirén and Dvorak. They will close the season with Folklorik!, a journey to the roots of popular music with works coming from the pens of Britten, Bartòk and Janacek.

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Laurent Zufferey